
米乐英语外教苏珊娜:教书是我的热情所在 “教书是我的工作,更是我的热情所在。”当回忆起自己如何进入教育行业,成为一名老师时,这位来自美国的英语老师苏珊娜(Susanna)脸上满是笑容。 ...

The old person I would like to describe is my English teacher, Adam. He teach me oral English. Last year, I met him in class. Adam is from American. He has white hair and a...

First-bora Children How do first-bom children differ from later-born children? Hundreds of experiments have shown that the eldest child tends to be more careful, more eager for success, and more anxious.26.He avoids dangerous sports like football a...

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